Is Ebola response too little too late?

As the United States prepares to take the lead in the fight against Ebola, is it too little too late? Laurie Garrett from joins MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry Show on Saturday, September 20, 2014 to discuss.

Watch the full video here

Brian Bergeron
Ebola Control and the Current Outbreak

As part of the NIH Global Health Interest Group on global health “hot topics,” Laurie Garrett gives a talk on the current Ebola outbreak on September 11, 2014, and explains why this public health emergency is a national security threat. Laurie’s speech begins at 2:09.

Brian Bergeron
The economic effects of the Ebola crisis

The Ebola crisis is now taking a considerable toll on the political stability and economic security of West Africa. Mark Quarterman, Laurie Garrett, William Karesh, and Frankie Edozien join MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry Show on September 7, 2014 to discuss. This is the first part of a two-part segment.

Brian Bergeron
Is US doing enough to stem the Ebola crisis?

In this second part of a two-part segment on MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry Show on September 7, 2014, Laurie Garrett comments on President Obama's statements about the Ebola outbreak on Meet the Press and calls for immediate action from the U.S. government.

Brian Bergeron
Ebola outbreak grows more dire

With each week the news about the Ebola crisis seems to grow more dire, with the virus now having surfaced in a fifth country—Senegal. Joel Montgomery, from the CDC Ebola Response Team in Liberia and Laurie Garrett, Senior Fellow for Global Health at the Council on Foreign Relations join MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry Show on August 31, 2014 to discuss.

Brian Bergeron
The Ebola Crisis

Even with more than one thousand people dead in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Libera as a result of the current Ebola outbreak, "The response is so anemic, so much less than what is needed," says Laurie Garrett on Charlie Rose: The Week.

Brian Bergeron
Should an experimental drug be used to treat Ebola in West Africa?

The treatment of two Ebola-infected Americans with an experimental drug, Z-Mapp, raises the question of whether it has potential for widespread use in combating the outbreak in West Africa. Judy Woodruff gets perspective on the topic from two experts, Laurie Garrett of the Council on Foreign Relations and Dr. Robert Garry of Tulane University School of Medicine, on this segment of PBS's Newshour.

Brian Bergeron
What we should know about the Ebola outbreak

The current Ebola outbreak in cities in Western Africa has become the most infectious, most deadly Ebola outbreak in history. Laurie Garrett joined the table on MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry Show to discuss on July 6, 2014.

Brian Bergeron
Fear works against health workers trying to contain Ebola

The latest Ebola outbreak in West Africa is now the largest and deadliest outbreak ever. And unlike outbreaks of the past, it is affecting both rural and urban areas. On PBS NewsHour, Jeffrey Brown talks to Laurie Garrett about a recent summit on the outbreak, distrust building against health workers in infected areas and how porous borders make this outbreak so hard to contain.

Brian Bergeron
Directing Evolution: Laurie Garrett at TEDxDanubia 2014

In this talk at TEDxDanubia in Budapest, Laurie Garrett examines the three major revolutions in biology: synthetic biology, gain-of-function research, and metagenomics. She then asks if humanity has the proper procedures in place to prevent or to control a direction evolution mishap.

Brian Bergeron
Global Health Law - A Book Event at Georgetown Law

Laurie Garrett appeared on a panel at Georgetown Law School with Zeke Emmanuel and Edith Brown Weiss on major challenges to global health. The panel marked release of Lawrence Gostin's new book Global Health Law published by Harvard Press.

Brian Bergeron
Does mankind need to get serious about global threats?

In a conversation with BBC Future at the Atlantic Meets the Pacific festival, Laurie Garrett discusses her fears that humanity is taking a lackluster approach to facing up to the problems of the future. From newly emerging diseases to lethal and drug-resistant strains of familiar plagues, Garrett believes people have become overly complacent about some of the biggest threats to life on Earth.

Watch the full interview here.

Brian Bergeron